
Spis na temat Ekspatriacji

Wyniki wyszukiwania: 6

1-Reconnecting-You Intercultural Coaching and Mediation

Relocation coaching can support you (individually or together with your family/team) in this adaptation phase. Learn to consciously deal with... czytaj więcej
[Hits: 0 - Dodane: 19-02-2021]

2-The Expat Method, Mastering Change

The Expat Method, Mastering Personal and Organizational Change is a book that helps expats and international organization maintain balance beyond... czytaj więcej
[Hits: 8 - Dodane: 07-04-2016]

3-Coaching and Counseling via Skype for Expats

Skype Coaching for Digital Nomads has many benefits: czytaj więcej
[Hits: 8 - Dodane: 10-03-2016]

4-Expatriate Repatriate Coaching Services

Whether you are relocating to a foreign country or returning to your native country after time away, it is common to struggle with your... czytaj więcej
[Hits: 10 - Dodane: 29-10-2013]

5-DM Coaching

Life abroad can be very exciting and demanding, however may also cause an anxiety, stress and homesickness. It may make you feel helpless, alone,... czytaj więcej
[Hits: 12 - Dodane: 26-01-2015]

6-Expatriate Counseling - Multilingual counseling

Expatriate Counseling, Multilingual and Multicultural Coaching Counseling and Therapy in English, Dutch, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian... czytaj więcej
[Hits: 74 - Dodane: 21-04-2009]

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